Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yes I joined a weight loss challenge today!!  These girls are mostly all runners and decided that they wan'ted to "lose a marathon" in preparation for their next marathon run.  I thought it sounded like a cute idea and even though I'm nowhere near any type of runner (unless I have to pee real bad), I decided to join the challenge.  Maybe it will help me by having to be accountable to someone again.  It's worth a shot right?

That's about it on the weight loss front.  The home front is another story.  I was totally amazed the whole time we were in New York City because I didn't once have a bout of heartburn.  Right before we had left on vacation I was taking at least two tums a day because of heartburn.  Michael kept saying to me that it was probably because of stress and I just shrugged it off.  Well it's back in full swing.  Kady is going through some personal issues right now and of course I'm so involved in her life that it's like I'm going through it too.  Actually I am kind of going through it too because one of the issues is that it looks like she's going to be moving home for a while.  So things are going to change around here and it's going to be a big adjustment for all of us.  But I would never turn one of my kids away and she has tried very hard to make it on her own.  But sometimes you don't make the best decisions in life and you life to regret it and do what you have to do to get past it.  So that's that.

Anyway my appetite hasn't amounted to much today so maybe that's the good side of it.  Although my stomach has been a little queasy off and on.  Oh well tomorrow is another day.

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